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Personal info

* Format: DD/MM/YYYY

If you're born abroad, specify the country as well

* Format: DD/MM/YYYY

* Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Residence information

Your specified e-mail will be the one to which you will receive all communications regarding SHARE.

Shipping information

Your account


Commission transfer

If you want to transfer your commissions to your bank account or account Paypal or address BTC, fill in the fields below.

Sharer Assignment

Leggi tutte le informazioni su come compilare la lettera di incarico:

Istruzioni alla compilazione della Lettera d'Incarico

Dichiarazioni posizione

Ai fini dell'iscrizione e del versamento dei contributi alla gestione separata INPS di cui all'art. 2, comma 26, Legge 335/1995, relativamente al corrente anno, Lei dichiara di

superato un reddito complessivo netto di EUR. 5.000,00.

Dichiara inoltre

e s'impegna a comunicare alla nostra Societa', mediante l'utilizzo del servizio di assistenza dedicato, ogni variazione della propria posizione previdenziale.

Lei dichiara di essere stato incaricato da altre imprese a svolgere l'attivita' di Incaricato alle vendite dirette a domicilio secondo quanto previsto dalla Legge 173/2005, o comunque di collaborare a diverso titolo con imprese che operino nel settore delle vendite dirette a domicilio.



 I declare that I have read and accepted the ASSIGNMENT LETTER
 I declare to expressly approve the following articles of the Letter of Assignment: 2. (Reimbursement of administrative costs); 2.1. (Waiver and withdrawal); 3.2. (Use of the website); 3.3. (Systems maintenance); 3.4. (Name and brands); 9. (Deadline for reporting anomalies in the accounting documents); 13.1 (Prohibition of transfer); 13.2 (Changes); 14. (Communications) and 15. (Jurisdiction).
 I declare that I have read and accepted the GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND REGULATIONS 
 I declare to expressly approve, in accordance with and for the purposes of Articles the following articles of the "GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND REGULATIONS": 2.4. (Renewal and annual fee); 2.7. (Acceptance or refusal of the Letter of Assignment); 2.8. (Effects of termination of the relationship); 2.9. (Obligations of the SHARER); 2.10.b. (New Assignment to SHARER); 2.10.c. (Transfer and change of registry); 5.1. (SHARER invoices and receipts); 5.2. (Account balance); 6.1. (Payment of sales commissions); 7. (Violation. Procedures and sanctions); 8. (Measures) and 9.1. (Transfer of code and account).
 I declare that I have read and accepted the COMPENSATION PLAN 
 With reference to the personal data provided to USHARE LLC, I declare that I have read, understood and accepted the Privacy Policy 


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Read the Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Read the Privacy Policy - Privacy Policy

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Your personal data, subject to express consent, may also be processed for marketing activities, such as sending advertising and / or information material about our products, services and initiatives, including promotional (current or future), commercial offers, communication to Partners and other subjects for their own marketing and commercial activities. The consent to the processing of data for the aforementioned purposes is optional and any failure to consent does not affect the activity in the Network.

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By profiling refers to all the activities of collection and processing of data concerning the users of a service, in order to divide them into groups according to their behavior

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I consent to the transfer of data to countries outside the European Union for which there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission regarding adequate safeguards for the protection of personal data.

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