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MAIA Credits represent consumption credits necessary for complex processing in MAIA, using generative AI at high-quality levels (for example, processing hyper-realistic images, lengthy text processing, or analyzing documents with many pages, etc.).
Ushare members who have purchased Ucard from August 2023 to today are entitled to free MAIA Credits, proportional to the total amount spent on the purchase of Ucard. These credits can be used for themselves or made available to the end user, who pays for them at the final public price of 0.01 Euro per single MAIA Credit.
The free MAIA Credits granted to Ucard holders as described above range from 10% to 80% depending on the Ucard purchased.

Before proceeding with the purchase, it is essential to view the "MAIA CREDITS discount table" which you can find HERE

€ 600,00
